Yesterday Michael and I celebrated our 20th wedding Anniversary! This is us in 2005. WOW, I can not believe that this man LOVES ME! Everyone who knows my wonderful Hubby knows exactly what I am talking about. Michael is the most amazing man, and I still, after 20 years look at him with the same Love as I did when we were in High School...actually it is NOT the same. It is incredibly stronger than I could have ever imagined! After 6 babies, Honduras, working for family, starting our own business, helping family, making friends, losing friends & keeping friends, baseball, soccer, football, swimming, diving, taekwondo & tennis, buying cribs (both baby and shelter), cars, groceries, clothes, shoes and school supplies, fighting and making up, gaining weight and losing it, great health and illness, change of hobbies, jobs and neighborhoods, and millions of loads of laundry later...Michael IS my heart, every ounce of what I am and have become is a direct reflection of the man he is! Love Forever and Always Yours Michael, Happy Anniversary!!