It is amazing how busy summer can be... I thought it was supposed to be more relaxing???? Well I have so much to post and I promise I will get it up soon!!!! I have pictures from our Anniversary weekend, two Hanna Stamps release parties, some new Hanna samples oh and the CUTEST (well at least I think so) Riley project. Can't say what it is now cause' it is on it's way to Kristi, as soon as she gets it I will get the pictures posted. Colbey turned 13 last week and Jesse will be 16 next week! Swim team finals are this week and next, Jager, Cooper, Cameron and Colbey ALL qualified for the region finals! Jesse had a great season also, but he was such a globe trotter this summer he wasn't able to compete in many meets! I would say the end is in site but with footbal season starting in 4 weeks the madness has only just begun! Okay, just a quick update for you all pictures and details will follow SOON!!